søn. 03. jun.
|Annekset, Teaterøen
COVER is a triptych performance installation – a three-piece work of art – by LOCATION X. Billetter kan købes på www.cphstage.dk eller i døren.

Tid og sted
03. jun. 2018, 18.00
Annekset, Teaterøen, William Wains Gade 18, 1432 København, Danmark
Om eventet
COVER er en tredelt performanceinstallation af LOCATION X, som bygger på det koreografisk lydresearch; SOUND of DANCE. Værket fokuserer på kinæstetisk erfaring, og har den kropslige oplevelse af lyd, som det central i rejsen gennem installationen. Enkeltdelene tager deres udgangspunkt i de respektive discipliner scenografi, kostume og musik, som hver tilbyder forskellige perspektiver på oplevelsen af lyd.
1. Element
28743 vanddråber
2. Element
212 klokker og et guldikon
3. Element
To performere, et 10 kanals lydsystem og en cello.
Værket er produceret af LOCATION X og realiseret af det kunstneriske hold; Taneli Torma (FIN/DK) som koreograf og kunstnerisk ledelse, Kasper Hansen (DK) som kostumedesigner og scenograf, Sophie Bellin-Hansen (FR/DK) som kostumier, Laura Folch (SP) som cellist, Esa Mattila (FIN) som lydkunster og Søren Lyngsø Knudsen (DK) som komponist.
COVER is a triptych performance installation by LOCATION X. The work originates in the choreographic research into sound with the working title: SOUND of DANCE. It focuses on the kinesthetic experience, where a bodily perception of sound is the center of the journey. Each part of the triptych will take its departure from the respective disciplines of set, costume and music and offer different perspectives on the experience of sound.
1st element
28743 water drops.
2nd element
212 bells and a golden icon.
3rd element.
Two performers, a 10 channel sound system and a cello.
The work is produced by LOCATION X and realised by the artistic team of Taneli Torma (FIN/DK) as choreographer and artistic director, Kasper Hansen (DK) as costume and set designer, Sophie Bellin-Hansen (FR/DK) as costume maker, Laura Folch (SP) as cellist, Esa Mattila (FIN) as sound artists, Petri Tuhkanen (FIN) as light designer and Søren Lyngsø Knugsen (DK) as composer.
LOCATION X web site:
CPH Stage web site:
-5 stars from 8000.DK
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